Research and Information about Brain Health
Diet & Nutrition to Enhance Cognition, Dr. Sternlicth
Associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences at Chapman University discusses misleading food labels, bodily reactions to common foods in the Standard American Diet (SAD), and the growing field of "Nutrition & Cognitive Health: A life course approach.
Neuropsychologist, Dr. Christopher Ingalls speaking on Neuropsychology & TBI
Qualified medical examiner and neuropsychologist explains the utility of cognitive testing, which assesses your thinking ability, when planning your rehabilitation plan.
Neuropraxis: Aging & Brain Injury
Christine Weaver describes services dedicated to brain injury rehabilitation that is accessible in the comfort of your own home, especially as we age!
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy & Brain Injury
It is common that there are other aspects of a brain injury that are traumatizing other than the brain injury itself (e.g., sexual assault, domestic violence, near death), which can create psychological disturbances that look like cognitive problems (aka psychogenic sources of cognitive deficits). EMDR is a cutting edge type of therapy that is used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress.
Cognitive Care Solutions for Brain Injury
Commonly with brain injury are deficits in thinking (cognition), and while neurogenic sources of these cognitive problems have been traditionally thought to be untreatable, advances in the past decade have shown that this is frankly not true: the BRAIN is neuroplastic and changes with guided and directed exercises.
St Jude HI CARES WPA 2021 TBI Research symposium
Change that is lasting is change that is systemic (e.g., public policy) and awareness is a huge component of facilitating larger scale change. Head Injury Community Advocacy through Research Education & Statistics (HI-CARES) is a student-driven lab dedicated to disseminating relevant research about TBI that is accessible to the public.
Amen Clinics: SPECT & Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Brain Injury
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is a functional brain scan that is different from structural brain scans (e.g., MRI, CAT). Think of a house: structurally, it may look "normal" but functionally, the wiring inside may be mixed up. Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) is based on the idea that oxygen is needed for active parts of the brain; therefore, if oxygen deficiency has become an issue with your head trauma, HBOT may be beneficial. Many of our connected survivors report benefits particularly with reduction in the frequency of headaches.
Neuro Optometry & Brain Injury
Neuro Optometry is distinct from Optometry in that the eyes may have no structural abnormalities, or any other deficits in the gross anatomy of the eye; however, it is the communication between the eyes and the brain that is disrupted following head trauma.
Prevent & Reverse Cardiac Disease WFPB Diet:
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
It is our honor to host the amazing Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn as he describes his ground breaking research on reversing health ailments with Whole Food Plant Based diets! This may be particularly relevant for brain injury due to cerebrovascular issues (e.g., stroke) and reducing risk through nutrition.
UCLA Mindful Meditation Master's Soundbath
Meditation is supported to improve attention, as it is an exercise of control. With supported attention, there is typically supported benefits to short-term memory. Join us with UCLA Mindfulness Master's as they take us through a journey of supported attention practice with patented sound bowls!
Acupuncture with Dr. Ruth McCarty
Some deficits associated with brain injury may be due to blockage or disruptions in blood flow, which some survivors report benefit from acupunture as it facilitates the movement of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular factors.
Holistic & Alternative Therapy for Brain Injury: Bloch Wellness
There have been a variety of non-surgical procedures that have been supported in the treatment of a wide range of brain injury symptoms, depending on what problems have been brought upon by your head trauma. See the many different types of alternative therapies for brain injury with Bloch Wellness!
Goodwill Assistive Technology Center (ATEC) for Brain Injury
Brain Injury may facilitate cognitive or physical deficits that may be accommodated by technology! Contact Lauren Mennig to discuss the many different options when considering how to accommodate your everyday environment to your unique collection of symptoms!
Power of Patients: Online Brain Injury Symptom Tracker & Analysis
"You can't fix something that you don't know is broke!" Utilize this powerful and FREE online tracking system that turns your data into words that will help you communicate with your healthcare providers!
Casa Colina Rehabilitation Hospital & the Brain Injury Research Center
Rehab Without Walls Brain Injury Educational Symposium
Hear St. Jude's own Dr. Daniel Ignacio discuss his personal experiences with TBI, his work with fellow survivors, and the huge potential to accommodate symptoms to reduce functional impact and improve community reintegration!
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Brain Injury
Dr. Claudia Eppele discusses Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for brain injury and how head trauma can significantly impact your hormonal balance
Functional Medicine & Brain Injury: Integrative Oasis
Integrative Oasis describes how to incorporate all aspects of yourself and your daily routines and nutrition and physical activity into rehabilitation.
St. Jude's Brain Injury 101: Cognitive Training presentation
Our signature 12-week course that is empirically supported to improve daily functioning by accommodating routines, increasing socialization, and providing assessments to gain awareness. Facilitated and hosted by Dr. Daniel Ignacio
Full-service counseling and coaching services: NSIGHT.ME
If you are fortunate enough to know the exact difficulties of your brain injury symptoms to build in strategies, incorporate assistive technology, improve diet/nutrition, maintain regular physical exercise, you may still be having difficulties with apathy and keeping motivated. Contact NSIGHT.ME for full coaching to keep you on track!
Collage Rehabilitation Partners: Community & Home-Based NeuroRehabilitation
Learn about community & home-based neurorehabilitation because rehab does not stop after medical discharge from the hospital. Increase your success by taking rehabilitation to your home!
Irlen Visions
After head trauma, vision can be disrupted. Susan Hughes of Irlen Visions of Chico discusses her experiences with how color vision has been able to assist.
Social Security Disability Benefits for Survivors of Brain Injury
St. Jude's Brain Injury Network's David Bogdan presents on accessing, applying, and appealing for disability benefits. For individual support, please contact David at no charge to the brain injury community! David contact info: #714 681 0427 David.Bogdan@stjoe.org
Empirically supported methods for substantially decreasing the risk for dementia. Click to read article.
An analysis and summary recently drafted by St. Jude Brain Injury Network for the Registry Subcommittee of the California Department of Rehabilitation's TBI Advisory Board.
Learn more by viewing the gallery here!